Today I raised a complaint with the BBC. Case number CAS-7938854-TOH1K1

The complaint has been made for two reasons:

1. A Million pounds is excessive amount of public money, to cover Neil Berriman’s journey searching for, Lord Lucan who he believes, was his Mother’s killer. Filming has been done in Australia.

2. There are Three Key Facts which almost without any doubt, confirm Lord Lucan (seventh Earl of Lucan) to be dead. The BBC appear to have added unnecessarily to Neil’s anguish, in doing so providing him with completely false hope.

The Metropolitan Police have sometime ago confirmed, the person who Neil believes to be Lord Lucan, IS NOT LORD LUCAN.

The documentary, OBVIOUSLY, is not going to show that Lucan has been found.

I know, I have been involved in this case since the murder took place.

Check out and subscribe to my YouTube Channel – search The Lord Lucan Case.