Numerous requests for such funding, have been made for many years. Total funding of this case to date, is around £13 Million pounds. 

Never has such a large amount of funding of tax payers money, ever been available to any other missing person.

In 2019 I considered that it was time then, to seek permission in the Administration Court, at the High Court, to launch a Judicial Review. Unfortunately I could not find a lawyer to take on this enormous challenge, a case which holds unprecedented public interest.

Now in 2023 we hear, a further request for yet more funding, was recently made to the Home Office.

I wrote to the Home Office on the 14th May 2023, as a matter of courtesy, not by any requirement of compliance of pre court protocol, just as a matter of courtesy. I informed them that when they provide further funding to the Metropolitan Police in Madeleine McCanns case, I will be seeking permission from the Court, to be allowed to bring a Judicial Review.

The application will be made on the following two points of Law. That the decision to provide further funding, was ‘irrational’ and there was ‘Procedural Impropriety.’